On the mechanism of action of new active ruthenium anticancer compounds: a model membrane biophysics approach.
A.I.Tomaz, A.D. de Sousa, T.C. Santos, M.S. Santos, M.L. Corvo, C. Matos, M. H. Garcia, R.F.M. de Almeida J. Bioinorg. Chem. 2017, vol. 22 Suppl. 1.
Excess partial molar enthalpies of 3-ethoxypropan-1-amine in water at 298.15 K.
M. L.C.J. Moita, A.F.S. Santos, L.C.S. Nobre, I.M.S. Lampreia Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Graz, Austria, ISBN (print) 978-3-85125-546-1; ISBN (e-book) 978-3-85125-547-8, 2017.
Extraction of pollutants from real sample of wastes from a Portuguese graphic industry.
L. Moreira, A. Neto, F. Martins. Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies, Budapest, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-449-061-6, 2017, 10 pp. (ed. in CD-ROM).
Composition and in vitro antioxidants activity of Chamaerops humilis L.
J. P. Coelho, J. G. Veiga, R. Elvas-Leitão, Amadeu F. Brigas, Ana M. Dias, Maria C. Oliveira IEEE 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering Proceeding (ENBENG), p.1-4 doi.org/10.1109/ENBENG.2017.7889422
Modelação e Previsão de Propriedades do Papel/ Modelling and Prediction of Paper Properties.
S. Diogo, C. Ventura, F. Martins. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Design and Graphic Arts (ISBN: 978-972-99948-2-1), 2011, 4 pp. (Português), 4 pp. (English), ed. bilingue.
Extracção de Poluentes Resultantes da Indústria Gráfica / Extraction of Pollutants from Liquid Residuesof the Graphic Industry.
C. Monteiro, F. Martins, C. Ventura Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Design and Graphic Arts (ISBN: 978-972-99948-2-1) 2011, 6 pp. (Português), 5 pp. (English), ed. bilingue.
N,N´-tetrasubstituted Malonamide Derivatives and Hydrochloric Acid Solutions: An Interfacial Study.
M. Soledade Santos, Marc F. Cornella, João N. Reis, Sandra S. Reis, Ana P. Paiva, Proceedings of the EPD Congress 2011: Chloride 2011: Practice and Theory of Chloride-Based Metallurgy (ISBN 978-1-1180-36525) 2011, 8 pp. (ed. in CD-ROM).
Solvent Effects on Ionic Association of 2,6-Lutidinium Chloride Salt at 60.00 ºC: A QSPR Study.
M. Reis, L. Moreira, R. E. Leitão, F. Martins. Proceedings of the 10th International Chemical Engineering Conference (ISBN: 978-972-97810-3-2) 2008, 6 pp. (ed. in CD-ROM).
Volumetric Properties for the Ternary Mixture Methanol-Formamide-Acetonitrile.
N. Nunes, F. Martins, L. Pinheiro, R. E. Leitão. Proceedings of the 10th International Chemical Engineering Conference (ISBN: 978-972-97810-3-2) 2008, 6 pp. (ed. in CD-ROM).
Thermochemistry of 1-Bromoadamantane in Binary Mixtures Water-Aprotic Solvent.
N. Nunes, F. Martins, R. E. Leitão. Proceedings of the 9th International Chemical Engineering Conference (ISBN: 972-8055-13-7) 2005, 6 pp. (ed. in CD-ROM).
Solvent and Temperature Dependence of Kd and L0m Values Obtained from Conductivity Measurements of an Organic Salt in Non-Aqueous Solvents.
L. Moreira, R. E. Leitão, F. Martins. Proceedings of the 9th International Chemical Engineering Conference (ISBN: 972-8055-13-7) 2005, 6 pp.. (ed. in CD-ROM).
Departamento de Química e Bioquímica, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
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